Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Week 9 EOC; Challenges of classroom vs real world

The challenges that we may face in the real world is managing. I did not learn much in class by my instructor. I read the book but no examples were given. Wait one example was given and it was by the substitute teacher. Luckily I did learn somethings having to do with project management in the merchandising industry when I worked for IKEA. People are more serious in the real world because its real money we are dealing with. Working in the classroom I learned how to delegate and contribute on a different level. I also learned about the challenges that the other team had. There was lots of frustration, mostly because there was not a clear outline. I did ask other interior design professionals if project managing was a vague task. I was told that there will always be some kind of outline or list to go by. So it looks like in the real world there is someone who will know what needs to get done and show you the ropes.

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